Tuesday, July 19, 2011


My other IOU blog is for the past weekend. My goal was to do back to back rides, so I could test my muscles without giving them a break. On Saturday morning, I geared up and set off on a ride to Plymouth, MA. I had gotten the idea from from a fellow rider, and it said it would be about 70 miles. The ride down was great, and when I arrived in Plymouth I was feeling pretty accomplished. I was riding by the Mayflower ship and Plymouth Rock

But I stopped briefly to get my gu (after about an hr and 25 minutes) and my chest started tightening up. It was in my back, but it felt like a nerve was pinched and it was making breathing painful. I got a little freaked out since I was so far from home and didn't want to quit , having come this far. I tried to stretch it out for about 10 minutes, but that didn't do much so I rose back to a gas station and bought some Advil and a protein bar. I hit the road again, and while the pain wasn't gone, it was much better after about 10 minutes. The ride back was great, it's always nice knowing you are getting closer to home, and a goal. It ended up only being about 58 miles since I turned around early, but I know that listening to my body was the right decision.

On Sunday, I slept in a bit and set out around 9 to do a Nantasket beach ride with my mom- half hills, half flat road. A great ride, with lots of beach breezes and pretty views.

My legs were comfortably tired from Saturday's ride, and then at the last mile going home- they got very tired! That was after about an hr and 15 minutes, so I'm figuring out that I need more "juice" about every hour, whether it be protein or a gu.

While I didn't get the exact mileage that I was aiming for this weekend, I feel accomplished with these, and am excited to push myself further this week! Only a few more weeks to go!

I will blog about our corporate auction's great success soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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