Friday, August 5, 2011

It has arrived!! The PMC IS NOW!

Wow! I can't believe it's here! I leave today from work at noon to board a bus to Sturbridge, MA and will be waking up at about 330 tomorrow to head off to the starting line. I am SO excited!!! I can't wait to go to the opening ceremony and get pumped up with... Yes... Lance Armstrong!!

My bag is packed- I'm really sort of proud of how light I was able to pack...

I also took the liberty of "pimping my ride" last weekend. Some were rather important additions, such as a saddle bag and a repair kit/spare tube, or the pump that attaches to my bike.

Less crucial, but also very important was the new tape for my handles!

So sweet! It matches my gloves, helmet and bottle cages! :) I know, I'm a dork. I swear the is coincidental, but it also matches my corporate riding jersey!! ...don't worry, ensemble pictures to follow.

Another perk: since I brought my bike in with me today, I got to take the boat in!! Aaaah :)

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