Monday, June 27, 2011

Sunrise cruise

Went on an amazing ride this morning. Unfortunately, it took me a few extra minutes to pull myself from bed, so it was only about 45 minutes long. I also forgot to charge my garmin, so I was not able to keep track of my pace! Boy am I dependent on that toy; no going back now :) I did take a couple moments to stop and capture the beautiful scenery so you could enjoy it too!! Can't ask for much more!

When I got to work, I mapped my ride on daily mile- here it is!

I also signed up for the Hingham 4th of July road race! 4.5 miles, an so much fun! People wear crazy outfits and they paint the road lines red white and blue. Unfortunately my running partner (mom) will be away on a fabulous wedding anniversary vacation so I may be flying solo.... Anyone interested? :)

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Garmin Details!

Untitled by kdewaal at Garmin Connect - Details

Back on track!!

Yikes! I have not been doing my part in blogging about my training! For those of those following, I apologize for my absence in posts for the past 2 months, shame on me!!!

Highlights and lowlights:

I have been riding steadily, average rides have been about 15-20 miles- NOW it's time to kick it up a notch!! In the upcoming month, I will be doing some serious increases in mileage, with long rides on the weekends up to 80 miles long! It will, of course, be a gradual increase so as to avoid injuries!

Speaking of injuries, I had my first fall last week. I had been out on a BEAUTIFUL morning ride, with fog lifting, the sun peaking through the trees... just perfect. I even saw a family of deer galloping through the meadow! Well, on my way back, I was crossing some train tracks that cross the road at an angle, and learned a new lesson. Do NOT cross tracks at anything less than a 90 degree angle!!! My tire got cradled into the track, launching me forward and off my bike. Let me just say, i <3 helmets :-) got some painful road rash that tore my snazzy new riding jersey, and got a pretty big hole in my riding gloves... Although, injuries were minor, and i was able to ride home still in one piece.

Today, i hit the road using my new Garmin Forerunner 405, which was a generous gift from my family for my 23rd bday! Oh, HOW I love this new toy!!! Not only does it show my pace, but it tracks my elevations (climbs/flat road etc.), mileage, location, calories burned, and so much more!! It's a-MAZING!! I've also discovered the joy of music during my rides. Don't freak out! I only put the right earbud in, and the music is not too loud that i am not aware of what is going on around me. It is just SO nice to have a beat to motivate me! That's what I loved the most about spin classes before i started cycling... having a beat makes it fun, and i am able to push myself so much farther and faster than I would if i were just hearing my heavy breathing!

Stay tuned for MUCH more, I promise to be more dilligent with my posts :-) You all deserve it, and I thank you so much for all the donations and support!

Speaking of which, thank you to those who have donated so far! Rachel Doyle, Tom and Kathy Perry, John and Julia DeWaal, Jessica White, Dani Schmidt, Bernadette and Crawford Family, Meghan Shadrick, and Rob and Zipper Robinson! You all are amazing, and I really appreciate your donations!