Saturday, April 9, 2011


Went for a BEAUTIFUL ride along the ocean today! A friend from work suggested the route to me last week, and we decided that if it was nice out this weekend, we would try it out. Well, it was a perfect 65 degrees and sunny day, and sooo much fun! I freakin' love my bike, so so happy that I bought it!!

The plan was to go at 11 this morning, but as I was pumping my tires, I snapped off my valve... (note to self: pull straight up, not at an angle...) So I went to the bike shop in town, and they had to put on a new tube. It worked out, because I hadn't gotten bottle cages, and I think I would have died on the ride if I hadn't bought them. I also bought a lock.. much needed. Anyways, an hour later I had my bike back, had eaten a delicious greek salad with tuna, and was ready to ride.

The route was aaaall along the water, and out to Hull- which is a thin peninsula and very scenic. Halfway through, my friend looked at her heartrate monitor and we had already burned 420 calories. I felt like I hadn't even been working out! I was having such a good time, and was enjoying the warm weather, I didn't even notice that I was working. The way back had a couple steep, tough hills but I was finally starting to get my gear switching down, and I survived!!

Here's the route map from